Tatweer Research is a home for the curious and creatively-
minded who believe that we can
build a brighter future for Libya by investing in ideas and
innovations that make life better, not
just for Libyans, but for people living all around the globe.
Our work is complex, but our values are simple. We believe
great ideas are born from passion,
collaboration and a belief that better is not just possible,
but achievable.
Our employees come from a variety of backgrounds like; computer science, electric & electrons
engineering, civil engineering, architecture, business and more. One thing we all share is an
insatiable appetite for learning, openly and authentically.
Our diverse staff allows us to look at challenges from different angels and perspectives, which
makes our projects/solutions applicable and efficient on the ground.
Our team is dynamic, proactive, and has the team work spirit when it comes to involving
others in the decision-making process with attempts to hear and interpret communication from
other’s points of view